Tokiko periferia ertainean zehar han-hemenka, desarrollismo garaikideak eragindako zauri itzulezinek zalantzan jartzen dituzte bide-orri hegemonikoak urteetan zehar finkatu nahi izan duen narratiba. Identitatea eta lurraldea, garapena eta jasangarritasuna, hitza eta ekintza aurrez-aurre agertzen dira Abiadura Handiko Trenaren (AHT) proiektuak Debagoienan eta Durangaldean gorpuztu duen errealitatea jorratzen duen lan dokumental honetan.
Roaming through my mid-range homeland periphery, unrecoverable scars generated by contemporary developmentalism put in question the roadmap that hegemonic voices have been trying to establish for years. Identity and land, development and sustainability, word and action face each other in this project that brings attention to the local realities surrounding the massive infrastructural project known as the High Speed Train (AHT/TAV) as they continue emerging within Debagoiena and Durangaldea valleys (Basque Country).
The High Speed Train project, or "Basque-Y" as it's also referred, is a large scale communication infrastructure aimed at connecting all three major cities within the Basque Autonomous Region (EAE/CAV) with a high-speed train. The project has been in development at different stages since the mid 80's, with ever present delays, millions of euros of over-budgeting, dubious environmental impact, general public disapproval and with no completion date on sight.