Errefuxiatu egoeran aurkitzen diren pertsonen iruditeri ohikoena larrialdi uneetan eta egoera zaurgarrienetan daudenean jasotako kontaketen bidez eraiki izan du mendebaldeko gizarteak. Irakurketa honen gailentzeak, kolektibo hauek arrotz, urruneko eta desberdin ikustera eramanez; "gu" eta "besteak" bezalako dikotomia arriskutsuan.
2021eko uztailean Katsikas (Epirus, Grezia) kanpalekuan lanean diharduen Habibi.Works GKE-ren inguruan osatutako proiektu honen bitartez, bestelako iruditeri bat proposatu nahi da. Bertan, errefuxiatu egoeran dagoen kolektiboaren balioa, gizatasuna eta erresilientzia jarri nahi dira agerian.
Traditionally, western society has mostly crafted the imagery relating to people in refugee situation through depictions of their catastrophes and in situations where they were at their most vulnerable. The expansion of this narrative, presents them as foreign, exotic and ultimately different; strengthening the "us" and "them" dicotomy.
Throughout this project done in collaboration with the NGO Habibi.Works in Katsikas (Epirus, Greece) camp in July 2021, a different narrative is proposed. The collective is portrayed through their value, humanity and resilience.